
Ice Skating on Evergreen Lake

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I’m 31 years old (gasp).  I consider myself outdoorsy and adventurous.  Until recently I’ve never gone ice skating on a real lake!

Okay, maybe that wasn’t a super dramatic confession, but people – it. changed. my. life.

Yes, that’s a slight exaggeration, but oh boy did we love it!  I’m hooked on “real” ice skating.  You see before this I’d only ever skated at skating rinks (unless you count the motel down the street that used to turn their lawn into a skating “pond”).  The noise, the crowds, the hot-shots who are trying to impress, and always either 1. knock me over or 2. make me look like a total idiot.

I’m a changed Mom.  This was the first time we’d taken our kids ice skating and everyone was in heaven (including the hot-shot skater I married).  We headed up to Evergreen Lake (only about 30 minutes from Denver), and I promise, we’ll be back!

Here’s what we loved about it:

1.  It’s HUGE!  Not only were there about 6 hockey areas, there was also a beginner/kids section, and a giant main area (about the size of a football field).

2.  There is a lodge to head in to when you get chilly.  No, it’s not a fancy lodge by any means, but it’s a place to sit and it’s warm, so it works.

3.  We could use our stroller.  This was a lifesaver.  Not only did it give Jimmy a place to hang out, but Chloe held onto the stroller for support most of the day.  Win-win.

4.  Not tons of rules.  In fact, I didn’t see any posted (though I’m sure there were some).  This means that when we had races to see what kid could slide farther on their stomach, no one cared.

5.  It is outside (enough said).


The only thing that we didn’t like was the limited parking.  When we got there, the parking lot (which is pretty small) and all the overflow areas were all full.  Luckily, after driving around for about 5 minutes, we got a spot.


Evergreen Lake Ice Skating website

Regular Hours

January 9 – March 3 (Please check holiday schedule for different skating times).
Monday -Thursday 3:00 – 7:00 PM
Friday 3:00 – 8:00 PM
Saturday 8:00 AM – 8:00 PM
Sunday 8:00 AM – 7:00 PM


Admission Fees

Tot (3 years and under) Free
Youth (4 – 18 years) $5.75
Adult (19 – 59 years) $6.00
Seniors (60+)/Military Discount $4.75
About Jessica Averett

Hi, I’m Jessica, a mom of 5 kids and married to my favorite adventure partner. I love to bike, ski, camp and hike. We've visited over 40 countries with our kids, but are equally happy on the road as we are exploring our home state of Utah.

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