Outdoor Travel
Family Adventure
Unbeatable Memories
That’s really what we’re all about! 
We’re a family of 7 who is constantly on the lookout for adventure and excitement. With five kids, ages 17, 14, 12, 10, and 7 we’re constantly on the go.
We’ve traveled to 40+ countries with our kids and are always on the lookout for the best adventure travel destinations for families.
Our goal is to inspire other families to go after their dreams and to see more of the amazing wonders that are all over the world. We figure if we can do it with 5 kids in tow, then pretty much anyone can do it!
We’re here to give you great adventure advice, practical traveling tips, destination recommendations, gear reviews, and everything in between. If it involves, adventure, travel, or kids, it’s right were we want to be!
Jess and Andrew!
I don’t know if you still use this website, but I have stumbled on it numerous times when I’ve been looking for ideas when planning our own family adventures and I just had to say hi! How fun to see your awesome family! Love you guys!! Roughly I3 years ago Daniel and I were at your wedding and had just gotten engaged ourselves. Life has been so good to us. We have six kiddos now and definitely share the same philosophy of bringing them along on all our many adventures. We finally moved west again a couple of years ago and are loving being by the mountains again with all the opportunities they afford for adventure. This winter we are teaching our family (kids, plus Daniel) how to ski. It’s been amazing so far!
Wish you all the best!
Love your old roomie and friend from Monticello and Devere Ct,