

Ice Skating on Evergreen Lake

I’m 31 years old (gasp).  I consider myself outdoorsy and adventurous.  Until recently I’ve never gone ice skating on a ...
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How Cold is Too Cold for Kids?

I had great plans for today, really I did.  Right about now I should be packing up the kids and ...
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How to Make an Adventure Friendly Home

We all remember the cool house.  The friend’s house as we were growing up that we loved to go to ...
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5 Ways to be a more Adventurous MOM

ad·ven·ture/adˈvenCHər/  Noun:  An unusual and exciting, typically hazardous, experience or activity. Let’s face it:  Mom’s get a bad rep in ...
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Geocaching with Kids

Don’t worry, this one is simple and awesome. So the treasure always changes.  Some show you great destinations.  Some are ...
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5 Tips for a Successful Group Campout

Let’s face it, group camp outs are about as good as it gets.  Not only do you get to be ...
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Great Gear for Outdoor Babies

Yes, baby is totally on the brain around here.  We’re busy getting everything ready for #3.  Mostly, we’re overwhelmed by ...
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