
Water Sports

All the best water sports for kids and families

10 Reasons your Family will LOVE Rafting Gates of Lodore in Dinosaur Monument

So you want to take your kids on a multi-day whitewater rafting trip? Congratulations, you are now officially one of ...
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Review: Oakiwear Trail One Piece Rain (and rafting) Suit

Before we jump right in, I want to check and see if you read yesterday’s post ” Unprepared – Lessons ...
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5 Easy Tips for Teaching Your Kids to Kayak

Isn’t it fantastic when your kids look around and think “you know, I want to be just like you”.  Okay, ...
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Westwater Canyon – When the Worst Likely Scenario Comes True

We couldn’t let winter jump on us without one more grand adventure.  So what did we do, we took  Mason ...
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Horsethief and Ruby Canyon Multi-day Rafting Trip Report

Warning:this post has a major picture overload.  These pictures will make you want to run away and escape to the ...
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Learning to kayak and letting my kids watch me fail

Trapped.  Upside down.  In a boat.  Underwater. There are few things in life that are more terrifying to me than ...
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Get your family into rafting – they’ll be thanking you for the rest of their lives!

21 years ago, my Dad and his friends came up with a crazy idea – they were going to be ...
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Bringing Kids on Multi-day Raft Trips – Desolation Canyon Trip Report

Adventure, lizards, swimming, exploring, sand, and undistracted parents…what more could a kid want. For that matter, what more could I want ...
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Whitewater for Kids: Staying Warm

Right now I’m up to my eyeballs in trip preparation.  Packing everything that the 5 of us need and will ...
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Whitewater for the kids!

It’s something we’ve been dreaming of since before the kids were born.  Floating down a river, together, for days on ...
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