

Is Cancun’s Mercado 28 worth a visit or not? Take an inside look here…

Ahh, the iconic Mercado 28 in Cancun.  Everyone talks about what a MUST VISIT site it is, and honestly, there ...
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A Great (and CHEAP) Alternative to Croco Cun Mexico

Heading to Cancun or the Mayan Riviera with your family?  Then you’ve likely heard about Croco Cun – A hands ...
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How to Climb Mt Kilimanjaro for CHEAP!

It’s the tallest mountain in Africa, the worlds largest free standing mountain, and a bucket list item for many people. ...
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24 hours in London with KIDS – How to pack it all in

Have you ever considered a stopover in a major city?  Often times you can get a short stopover (24 hours ...
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How to help your kids conquer jet lag FAST!!

Over the last several years, we’ve become pros at taking long flights and jet lag.  Not only would we travel ...
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10 Things You Need to Know BEFORE Taking The Kids to Thailand

Thailand is one of our family’s all time favorite places to visit.  During our round the world trip, we spent ...
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Adventures for Every Age in the Swiss Alps

Looking for a place where EVERYONE can find some serious adventure?  Look no further than the Swiss Alps.  You’ll find ...
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5 Winter Activities Not To Miss in Montana

If you love winter, there's no doubt that Montana is a great place for you! Between the deep snow, huge mountains and cute little towns, there's something for everyone.  So pack all your warm clothes, grab a thermos full of cocoa, and head out. Here are 5 great winter activities in Montana that you won't want to miss
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A Magical Stay at the Dhara Dhevi, Chiang Mai

Sometimes you go somewhere and it’s difficult to really describe how amazing you feel there. Like your first visit to ...
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Goodbye Saudi Arabia and hello WORLD TRAVEL

After three and a half years, our time in Saudi is finally coming to an end.  It has easily been ...
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A Fantastic Week with Avid 4 Adventure

The night before camp started, the energy in the air was like Christmas Eve.  The older kids had their day ...
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Bribing Kids to Learn About the World

Bribery is a parents best friend. Whether it’s “just eat 5 more bites and you can have desert” or  “if ...
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How to not get robbed when traveling with kids + PacSafe bag review

“We were riding the metro in Istanbul.  The train was packed.  One minute I had my backpack on, the next ...
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What to do when you have no plans in Istanbul

Istanbul:  Where east meets west, and religions and cultures seem to all converge in one giant melting pot. The city ...
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