
FREE Camping Coloring Pages

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Are you looking for a great way to keep your kids busy for a while on your next camping trip?

Or maybe you want to inspire your kids to love camping and the outdoors while you’re at home?

Whatever the reason, we’ve got some fantastic FREE PRINTABLE camping coloring pages for kids that you can download.

FREE Camping Coloring Pages

Camping with kids is one of the best ways to expose them to nature and to help them get out of their comfort zone a little bit. When kids are camping, their imaginations and senses are trying to take everything in, so planning in some downtime with a few camping coloring pages can be a much need break for little ones on your next family camping trip. So you don’t have to spend too much time planning, we’ve put together these FREE printable camping coloring pages.

There are so many fun things to color in these camping coloring pages. Kids can color a tent, a campfire, trees, a fishing pole, and even color wildlife!

We hope your kids enjoy these free camping coloring pages.

Once you’ve finished coloring your favorite free camping coloring sheets we hope that you’ll share them with a friend so they can enjoy these camping printables too!

kids outdoor coloring pages for camping

 10 Free Camping Coloring Page Printables For Kids

We have several free camping coloring pages for your kids to enjoy. We love creating free camping printables to help kids connect with nature and these coloring pages for camping are really great for all ages (yes, even teens).

Tent Coloring Page

In this first free camp coloring page, you’ll find a coloring page of a tent. Do you want to color it to match your own tent, or maybe pick your favorite colors for this tent coloring page? the sky’s the limit with this free camping coloring page printable.

Free tent coloring page for camping

Marshmallow Roasting Coloring Page

Who loves roasting marshmallows over the fire? This marshmallow roasting coloring page is the perfect way to get you dreaming about the perfect marshmallow you plan on roasting. Do you like your marshmallows brown and toasted or black and burned?

Free marshmallow roasting coloring page for camping

Bear Camping Coloring Page

While you hope to never see a bear at your campsite, it’s fun to imagine them being our friends with this bear camping coloring page. This bear looks extra friendly, like a toy, but real bears need lots of space to feel safe, so don’t ever approach wildlife while you’re camping.

Free  bear coloring page for camping

Vintage Camper Coloring Page

Do you like to camp in a tent or in a camper? This vintage camper coloring page is designed to bring a little bit of fun into your camp coloring. Will you color this coloring page camper in realistic colors or in whimsical colors?

Free vintage camper coloring page for camping

Wildflower Coloring Page

Seeing wildflowers while camping can be magical. Before you start this wildflower coloring page, look around your campsite to see what sort of wildflower colors are around where you’re camping. This camping coloring page could look really cool if you color the flowers to look like the flowers near your family campsite.

Free wildflower coloring page for camping

Camping Sunrise Coloring Page

Do you prefer sunrise or sunset? This sunrise coloring page (or sunset coloring page if you prefer) is the perfect place to show all the beautiful colors of the sky near your campground on this camping coloring sheet.

Free sunset coloring page for camping

Fishing Coloring Page

Have you ever caught a fish while you were camping? This camping coloring sheet is all about fishing. Whether you’ve caught 10 fish before or have never gone, you can imagine what it would be like to sit on the side of a beautiful lake and fish while you’re coloring this camping page.

Free fishing coloring page for camping

Campground Deer Coloring Page

Have you ever seen a deer in your campground? This deer campground coloring sheet is the perfect way to bring a little bit of wildlife to your campground. Whether there are actual deer in your campground, or just in your imagination, this deer coloring page can really bring nature to life!

Free DEER coloring page for camping

Gear Camping Coloring Sheet

What sort of things do you bring when you go camping? Color this camping gear coloring sheet to match the camping gear you have, or bring some fun colors that you really love into this camp coloring sheet.

Free camping gear coloring page for camping

Canoe Tent Coloring Page

This coloring page for camping combines so many of my favorite things about camping. Relaxing in a tent, a canoe, and a sneaky little wild fox who is quietly walking by. With this coloring page for camp, you can combine all of the most fun things about camping into one coloring page.

Free camping tent coloring page for camping
Free camping tent coloring page for camping
About Jessica Averett

Hi, I’m Jessica, a mom of 5 kids and married to my favorite adventure partner. I love to bike, ski, camp and hike. We've visited over 40 countries with our kids, but are equally happy on the road as we are exploring our home state of Utah.

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