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If you vowed that this would be the year that you learned how to ski, there is no better time to go than now. Out here, the snow is good, the weather is nice, and the crowds are still pretty small. Now actually saying you’re going skiing and actually getting there are two totally different things. Whether you’re going for your first time, or taking your kids out for their inaugural run, we have a few tips for you to help make the day as fun as possible.
Mason our little blue marshmallow man around age 2.
Recently we were able to spend some time visiting with Becky McDill, the Snowsports School Supervisor at Arapahoe Basin. Here are a few tips that she shared with us to prepare for your big day (most of these are geared towards kids, but can apply to anyone):
– Try on all your gear ahead of time. If possible rent your equipment at least the night before so that you can get used to walking around in it.
– Have your kids practice playing with all their “skiing” clothes on. This will help them get comfortable moving with all those extra layers, so that they feel less like a marshmallow.
– Get a good nights rest. If you can, try and stay near the ski hill so you have less of a drive in the morning. If not, plan on getting up extra early so you’re not rushed as you make your way up to the hill (so true if you live in the Denver area).
– Eat a good breakfast. If you’re body doesn’t have the fuel that it needs to get through the day, you will have a difficult time skiing and focusing on new skills you’re developing.
– Reserve a spot in ski school in advance. While there is some chance that you can get into a lesson the day of, there is no guarantee, so book ahead. (remember the best way to teach someone how to ski?)
– Talk up how great skiing is going to be. If you’re excited about skiing, they will be too. (read more on the power of anticipation here)
– Let them know what to expect from their lessons. Explain that you will not be with them, but that their teacher is helping them to get good so that soon your whole family can all ski together.
Thanks for sharing these tips with us Becky! We also find it very helpful to pack all of our gear and our lunch the night before. That way we aren’t scrambling to find mittens and hats while we rush out the door!