

The Making of Epic Adventures – Exploring Canyonlands

So do you have memories of trips while you were growing up that are so vivid that years later you relive ...
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5 Easy Tips for Teaching Your Kids to Kayak

Isn’t it fantastic when your kids look around and think “you know, I want to be just like you”.  Okay, ...
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Black Hills, SD – The top 5 stops for family adventure

The Black Hills?  South Dakota?  Family adventure?  Now there’s a sentence I never thought I would write! I mean this ...
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My Saudi Arabian Birth Adventure

“Are you really going to have your baby in Saudi Arabia?” I think if I had a dollar for every ...
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Our Family – Moving from Good to Great

Deep within in me, there is a desire to make a substantial difference.  A desire to supersede all expectations for ...
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Snow Mountain Ranch: A perfect (and affordable) family getaway!

Imagine discovering a place where you could do pretty much any winter snow adventure all at the same place. Where ...
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We’re MOVING…and heading out on our greatest adventure yet!

Things have been pretty quiet here on the blog for the last couple weeks, as you’ve noticed.  No we’re not ...
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Westwater Canyon – When the Worst Likely Scenario Comes True

We couldn’t let winter jump on us without one more grand adventure.  So what did we do, we took  Mason ...
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Vedauwoo: A Hidden Gem in the Vastness of Wyoming

If you’ve ever driven across Wyoming on I-80, you know it’s really not much worth talking about.  That is unless ...
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Learning to kayak and letting my kids watch me fail

Trapped.  Upside down.  In a boat.  Underwater. There are few things in life that are more terrifying to me than ...
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Bringing Kids on Multi-day Raft Trips – Desolation Canyon Trip Report

Adventure, lizards, swimming, exploring, sand, and undistracted parents…what more could a kid want. For that matter, what more could I want ...
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An Adventure Love Story

I’ll readily admit that I’m a sucker for a good love story.  You know, the kind the kind that will ...
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How to Make an Adventure Friendly Home

We all remember the cool house.  The friend’s house as we were growing up that we loved to go to ...
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5 Ways to be a more Adventurous MOM

ad·ven·ture/adˈvenCHər/  Noun:  An unusual and exciting, typically hazardous, experience or activity. Let’s face it:  Mom’s get a bad rep in ...
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