
The Ultimate Guide to Bogota With Kids: What to Do, Where to Stay, What to Eat

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As the capital of Colombia and the largest city in the country, spending a few days in Bogota is well worth the visit.  You get the best of Latin American culture and a big city all in one place.  Whether you’re looking for ways to connect with nature, amazing playgrounds, fun activities, or just food recommendations, this Ultimate Guide to Bogta will show you all of the best things to do in Bogota with kids.  

During our 2-month family trip to Colombia, we got to spend some time in Bogota exploring the city, and there are some really amazing things to do and places to see.  While it’s tempting to skip over Bogota for a charming Instagram-worthy little town, it’s absolutely worth the stop (and THEN go to that charming little town after).  

How Long to Spend in Bogota with Kids?

While we really enjoyed visiting Bogota with kids, it’s by no means the most family-friendly city in Colombia.  It’s easy to get good deals on international flights in and out of Bogota, so most people end up coming here at some point.  To really see all of the highlights of Bogota with kids, plan on 3 days, though if you only have 2 days, you can squeeze it all in.  

Is Bogota Colombia Safe with Kids?

Generally, we found that Colombia was significantly safer to visit than most people had told us.  Colombians are very welcoming to kids, so traveling with kids in Bogota was an overall pleasant experience.  That being said, we always take certain safety precautions when traveling in large cities, and you’ll especially want to make sure that you do these in some of the more crowded areas of Bogota

  • Never have phones or other electronics out in busy areas, or when standing on a curb
  • Leave valuables and jewelry at home
  • Pack wallet and all electronics in a cross-body anti-theft sling – NOT A BACKPACK (backpacks make you more of a target for theft)
  • Use extra caution when crossing roads, and don’t walk on the bike paths
  • Don’t carry your passport around the city with you, but make sure you have a photo of it – you’ll be asked for it at the entrance to many places
  • Never walk around at night – always get a taxi

One more that I want to add is that for getting around Bogota, I recommend using a taxi or ride app instead of getting taxis on the street.  We had a couple of uncomfortable taxi experiences in Bogota that quickly let us know that a ride-share or tracked taxi was the best option. We had the best luck using the Didi and Uber Apps.

Weather In Bogota

The weather in Bogota can be pretty chilly. we were coming from Medellin and it felt VERY COLD. Because of the high altitude in Bogota, the morning temperatures are often just below 50 degrees F and it gets up to the high 70’s. It drizzles often, so make sure to take a packable rain jacket with you. We ended up wearing our jackets and sweatshirts every day, because Bogota is colder than the rest of Colombia.

Where to Stay in Bogota with Kids?

There are lots of options for where to stay in Bogota with kids, but if you’re looking for the safest place to stay in Bogota with kids, we recommend staying in the Parque 93 area.  It’s the only place where we felt safe enough to walk around at night and there are so many options for shopping and restaurants, so it’s a great place to be based.  Here are our top family-friendly hotel recommendations:

93 Suites – A great luxury spot to stay.  Suites sleep up to 6 and have a kitchenette included.
101 Park House – Great hotel with family rooms, in a very walkable location.
Bogota 100 – Nice hotel at a very affordable price.

Best Things To Do in Bogota With Kids

If you’re planning a family trip to Colombia, make the most of visiting the capital city by packing your stay full of kid-friendly activities.  Below, you’ll discover the absolute best things to do in Bogota with kids:

Maloka Museo Interactivo for Hands-On Learning and Fun

Hours: Tuesday-Friday 8:00am-5:00pm
Weekends and Holidays: 9:00am-5:00pm

Cost: 19,500 COP

This was my son’s favorite part of our visit to Bogota since it was super interactive and most of the exhibits he could understand with his very limited Spanish or through pictures (very few exhibits had any English).  The Maloka Museum had so many incredible interactive exhibits and it’s just as much fun for kids as it is for adults.  The hands-on exhibits focus on physics, biology, and technology. 

The staff make a visit to the Maloka Museum amazing and it felt like there was always an employee nearby to show us how to do the hands-on activities and to answer our questions.  Throughout our visit there, there were several demonstrations in different parts of the museum and they were all really well done.  Of course, our favorite was the Van de Graff machine where our hair stood on end and we learned firsthand all about insulators and conductors.  

You could easily spend up to 4 hours here if you’re really wanting to dive deep into all the exhibits, or you could do a quick run-through and stay for just an hour.  While the museum is very interactive, it’s probably not great for really young kids.  I would say that it’s best for ages 6 and up.

Explore Nature at the Jardín Botánico de Bogotá José Celestino Mutis

Hours: Tuesday-Friday 8:00am-5:00pm
Weekends and Holidays: 9:00am-5:00pm

Price: 10,000 COP

The Jardín Botánico de Bogotá José Celestino Mutis is a calm natural oasis right in the middle of Bogota. Home to a wide variety of Colombian plants and trees, the Bogota botanic gardens are a nice change of pace from the noise and busy pace of the rest of the city. There is lots of open space here so it’s a good place to hang out and have a picnic.  

There is an option to get a ticket to the indoor domed area, which is well worth the cost in my opinion.  There really isn’t a lot to captivate kids’ attention outside but inside the dome was much more interactive, so it’s worth getting the ticket that’s a little bit more expensive.  

Relax Outside at  Parque Metropolitano Simón Bolívar


Bogotá’s “lungs,” the Parque Metropolitano Simón Bolívar, is a sprawling urban park perfect for spending a day outdoors. With a large lake where you can rent paddle boats, numerous playgrounds, and wide-open spaces for picnics or games, it’s a family favorite.

It has the most expansive area of green space that we’ve seen anywhere in the city and it was shockingly uncrowded when we went, likely due to how massive it is.  If you want to have a place where the kids can just run around and play, or the family can just hang out, this is our top pick!  Keep an eye out for concerts and festivals that often take place here.

Parque Metropolotano Simon Bolivar is located right between the botanic gardens and the children’s park, so if you plan a little bit of time, you can easily walk between all of them for a fantastic day outside!

Play at Parque Cuidad de los Ninos


If you’re looking for a great place for kids to play, head to Parque Cuidad de los Ninos.  It’s easily the best playground in Bogota, actually, the best playground in all of Colombia that we ever found.  This is one spot in the city, that you really shouldn’t miss!  

From the outside, it looks like one giant playground, but when you get inside, you quickly realize that it’s actually several different small playgrounds.  I love that this helped to spread the kids out and give everyone lots of space. 

Several of the playgrounds were designed for either older or younger kids so there really was space for everyone to play.  We stayed for about 90 minutes but could have easily spent half a day here.  While we were visiting, the local Bogota recreation staff were on site to set up games and challenges for the kids, which they do here several days a week.  It’s incredibly well done and is one of the best things to do in Bogota with kids.

Rent Bikes and Bike Around Bogota with Kids

Price: Varied, but affordable

Bogota is one of the most cycling-friendly cities in the world, with bike lanes all over the city.  While some bike lanes are in the middle of traffic, lots of them are just alongside the sidewalk, making them very kid friendly.  The Tembici bicycle share program is really easy to use and you can rent a bike for super cheap (we paid about 5000 COP for a 40-minute ride – that’s about $1.15 USD).  There are both e-bikes and pedal bikes available and generally, the bikes are in excellent condition.  

If your kids are not big enough to ride a small adult bike, Tembici also has an option at several locations to rent bikes with child carriers as well as cargo bikes, and we highly recommend how easy and affordable the service is.  

View the City from the Colpatria Tower – Bogota’s Tallest Building

Friday 6:00-9:00pm
Satruday: 2:00-8:00pm
Sunday and Holidays: 11:00am-5:00pm

Cost: 8,000 COP

Available for visits only on weekends, the Colpatria Tower offers an unforgettable aerial view of Bogotá. As the tallest building in the city, it provides a unique perspective on Bogotá’s sprawling cityscape against the backdrop of the majestic Andes mountains. The glass-walled elevator ride to the 48th-floor viewing deck can be quite a thrill for the kids. Make sure to bring along a camera to capture the panoramic views.

Insider Tip:  The Colpatria Tower is the most crowded around sunset.  To avoid the crowds, go earlier in the day when it also has a more kid-friendly feel.  The entrance can be a bit tricky to find, so look for it between the main building and the south building at the security checkpoint and metal detector.  

Learn History at Museo Nacional de Colombia

Hours: 9:00am-5:00pm from Tuesday – Sunday

Kids from 5-12: 2,000 COP
Kids from 13-17: 4,000 COP
Adults: 6,000 COP

Kids from 6-17: $5 USD
Adults: $10 USD

The Museo Nacional de Colombia is a must-visit for families who love history and art. While nearly all of the exhibits and descriptions are just in Spanish, it’s still worth visiting even if you don’t know Spanish well.  

Housed in a former penitentiary, the museum offers a fascinating look into Colombia’s diverse history, from pre-Columbian times to the present day. There are plenty of interactive displays and visual depictions of things so it’s a great educational stop in Bogota with kids.  My son was especially impressed with the architecture of the building as well as learning about how Colombia has changed through time.  We visited early in our trip and it gave a lot of context to other places that we visited and things we saw along the way.  

Go to the Top of Monserrate

Price: 16,000 one way, or 27,000 round trip 
Sunday Prices: 16,000 round trip or 9,000 one way

No visit to Bogotá is complete without a trip up to Monserrate. Located more than 3,000 meters above sea level, this mountain offers breathtaking views of Bogotá. You can reach the top by a funicular or cable car, both are exciting for kids visiting Bogota. The cable car runs from 6:30-noon each day and the funicular runs from noon-11:30 pm.

Monserrate is one of the most popular things to do in Bogota and can get very crowded.  We went up at 8 am and didn’t have a line, but by the time we came down at 10:30, the line was probably 20 minutes long and we passed lots of people who were clearly on their way up to Monserrate as we left. 

Our tip is to go first thing in the morning when the crowds are smaller.  It was quite a bit colder up top, but getting the place mostly to ourselves was pretty great.

When you get to the top of Monserrate with kids, there are a few things that you can do.  There’s a small workout area where you can exercise and play (at the top of the funicular), a walk through the hills depicting the Passion of Christ, and some places to stop for birdwatching.  We found a few small cafes up there and got a hot chocolate, though if you’re there later in the day, there’s also a grill there and a couple of restaurants.  The church at the top is absolutely beautiful, so plan a stop in there while you’re at the top.  Behind the church is an artisan market and it’s a fun place to souvenir shop with kids in Bogota.

Gold and Crafts: Museo de Oro and Craft Gallery

Don’t skip the Gold Museum!  We almost did, and it turned out to be the place that my son loved the most! The Museo de Oro (Gold Museum) is an iconic attraction in Bogotá, boasting one of the largest collections of pre-Columbian gold artifacts in the world. While you’re there, you’ll learn all about how gold is mined, molded, and used throughout Colombian history.  Kids will be dazzled by the glittering displays and the artifacts that surround them. 

Part of what made the Museo de Oro so great is that all of the displays have descriptions both in English and Spanish, and they were very descriptive and interesting.  Truthfully, I thought that we would only spend an hour in the museum because my son loves to be more active, but after nearly 3 hours, we finally left, because I was done.  Ha!  He absolutely LOVED IT!  Across the street, you can find the Craft Gallery where local artisans sell their handiwork. It’s another great spot to grab some souvenirs.

Explore the Streets of Candelaria Bogota

The most historically preserved and restored neighborhood in Bogota is Candelaria.  It’s full of small streets, colorful buildings, and colonial architecture.  It’s our favorite place to walk around during the day because it seems like there’s always something exciting to see. 

Tip: If you want to learn more about this interesting neighborhood, take one of these fun tours! 

To really experience Candelaria, there are lots of free tours in the area that can be a fantastic option, depending on your kids (they work for tips, so keep that in mind).  We noticed that while the area seems charming and quiet in the morning (usually until about 9:30 or 10), it transforms as the day progresses into a bustling area, with lots of vendors, locals, and plenty of tourists.  

Check out Plaza de Bolivar 

The historic heart of Bogotá, on the edge of the Candelaria neighborhood, Plaza de Bolivar, is a lively square surrounded by important buildings like the cathedral and the Capitol. There seems to always be some sort of a street performer here and the place is literally packed with pigeons.  This can be great if you love taking photos with pigeons perched n your arms or head, or if you’re like me and hate pigeons, this place might just gross you out.  It’s worth at least checking out, since one of the most popular pedestrian streets in the area, Carrera 7, runs directly into it.

See The Changing of the Guard at Plaza de Arms

Near Plaza de Bolivar, is the Plaza de Arms, where you can witness the changing of the guard ceremony every Friday at 2:30 PM something that we heard amazing things about.  While our schedule didn’t work for us to be there then, we’ve heard great things about it.  You do need to be there at least 25 minutes early to get through the security checkpoints and where you need to be for the changing of the guard in Bogota.

Where to Eat in Bogota With Kids

Bogota has such a huge variety of different foods, so you really can find a little bit of everything.  Colombian food isn’t spicy or packed with lots of bold flavors, so it’s very kid friendly.  Here are our top recommendations for family-friendly restaurants in Bogota:

1. La Puerta Falsa

This iconic restaurant in the heart of the Candelaria district has been serving traditional Colombian fare since 1816, making it one of the city’s oldest establishments. It’s a must-visit to experience authentic local flavors. Known for its delicious ‘tamal’—a cornmeal dough filled with meat, vegetables, and spices— as well as the ajiaco soup –a chicken soup with a cobb of corn in it–La Puerta Falsa offers a warm, welcoming environment that’s great for families. Another highlight is the ‘chocolate completo,’ a rich hot chocolate served with cheese, bread, and butter—perfect for a morning treat or an afternoon snack with kids.

2. Pastelería Florida

This is easily the most beautiful and delicious bakery in Bogota and is such a treat for families.. This classic bakery has an extensive selection of cakes, pastries, and traditional Colombian sweets. Let your kids marvel at the array of beautifully decorated treats on display, and try ‘merengón,’ a meringue dessert filled with cream and fruits. The bakery also serves savory pastries and snacks, making it an excellent spot for a quick bite in the city center.

3. Chronos Fantasy Restaurante

Chronos Fantasy Restaurante is a unique dining destination that combines food with video game elements.  While it’s not a cultural experience by any stretch of the imagination, it is a great place to take kids who might be struggling with a bit of culture shop.  It’s just down the road from Cuidad de los Ninos so it makes a great meal stop after the playground.

4. Andrés DC Bogotá

Situated in the Zona Rosa district, Andrés DC Bogotá is a lively, multi-level restaurant famous for its vibrant ambiance. Each floor has a unique theme, from ‘Heaven’ to ‘Hell,’ adding an element of adventure for kids. The menu offers a variety of Colombian specialties, steaks, and kid-friendly dishes like burgers and fries. With live music and dancing, Andrés DC Bogotá is a feast for the senses and an experience your family won’t soon forget.  NOTE:  While the restaurant is open late, kids are only allowed in until 8 pm.  

Street Food for Kids in Bogota

Bogota’s street food is an integral part of the city’s culinary identity, offering a way to engage kids in the local culture. There seems to always be somewhere to grab a quick snack of street food, and we ate several meals that were just street food and they’re perfect for kids.  Here are a few must-tries that our kids all think are the best street food in Bogota for kids:

1. Arepas

No visit to Bogota would be complete without trying arepas—a versatile, round cornbread that’s a staple in Colombian cuisine. You can find it filled with cheese (‘arepa de choclo’) or topped with various ingredients.

2. Empanadas

These small, deep-fried pastries filled with meat, potatoes, or cheese are a favorite snack. Easy to eat on the go, empanadas are perfect for keeping hunger at bay during sightseeing.

3. Obleas

These thin wafers filled with arequipe (caramel sauce), cream, and jam are a delight for kids. Obleas vendors are commonly found around public parks and plazas.

4. Churros

These sweet, deep-fried dough sticks, often filled with arequipe and sprinkled with sugar, are a popular treat. Some vendors also offer chocolate-dipped versions.

5. Fruit

Bogota’s street markets offer an array of exotic fruits. Let your children try lulo, guanabana, or feijoa for a healthy, refreshing snack.  The most common fruits are mangos, which you’ll find sliced up and being sold just about everywhere.  For a sour treat, try the mango-biche  — mangos shredded with lots of lime and salt on top.  

What is the best time of year to visit Bogota?

Bogota has a mild climate year-round due to its high altitude, with temperatures usually ranging between 50°F and 70°F (10°C to 21°C). However, the driest months are from December to March, making it a popular time to visit.

What is the local currency and where can I exchange money?

The local currency is the Colombian peso (COP). Money can be exchanged at currency exchange bureaus, banks, and some hotels, though they usually give a poor exchange rate.  PLan on just getting money out at ATMs since they are widely available.

What’s the local transportation like?

Bogota has a variety of transportation options. The TransMilenio is a rapid transit bus system that covers most of the city. Taxis and rideshare apps like Uber and Didi are also available. Bike rentals are popular too, especially on Sundays when certain streets become car-free zones for the Ciclovia.

Is altitude sickness a problem in Bogota?

Bogota is at an elevation of about 2,640 meters (8,660 feet) above sea level. Some visitors might experience mild symptoms of altitude sickness, such as headaches or shortness of breath. It’s recommended to take it easy for the first day or two to acclimatize.

Should I rent a car in Bogota?

Absolutely NOT! Car rentals in Bogota are expensive, traffic can be horrible, roads are confusing, and it can be a nightmare to find parking. Just using taxis or ride shares is the best option for getting around Bogota.

About Jessica Averett

Hi, I’m Jessica, a mom of 5 kids and married to my favorite adventure partner. I love to bike, ski, camp and hike. We've visited over 40 countries with our kids, but are equally happy on the road as we are exploring our home state of Utah.

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