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Prime Day 2023 is here and it’s better than ever. This year we’re seeing lots of outdoor gear Prime day deals from top brands, so this is a great chance to get some amazing gear at incredible prices.
With everyone wanting to get outdoors, you can expect Prime Day outdoor gear to be selling out in record time this year so you’ll have to act fast if you’re looking to buy outdoor gear for Prime day.
We’ve looked around for the best Prime Day deals on outdoor gear and prime day deals on clothing for kids to help you get the gear you need to get your family outside this year.
What Our Family is Buying For Prime Day
Altra Trail running shoes for my teen daughter. They’re our favorite running shoe/hiker and the prices start at $39 which is the lowest we’ve ever seen!
A hydration backpack for our tween son. We wanted something that was a good size for home now and as he grows, and this pack gets great reviews and I think it will be a great fit for him. At under $30, it’s a great deal.
I got our youngest some new hiking shoes. I have a friend who raves about these shoes, and they’re on sale for just over $20, so I’m giving them a shot!
Biking gloves for our teen son. He bikes a lot and these have full finger protection AND are touchscreen compatible.
Sport Sunglasses for my 9-year-old son. These lightweight glasses look awesome and get great reviews, so we’re excited to try them out.
Our favorite bike water bottles are on a great sale, so we’re grabbing a few more. They’re easy to use, lightweight and wash great in the dishwasher too.
Microfiber beach towels. We lost a towel on our last trip and we love compact towels like this for travel and outdoor adventure.
My favorite sunscreen is on sale, so I’m stocking up since it’s not cheap! After having lots of skin cancer in the last few years, I don’t mess around. I especially love this tinted facial sunscreen!
Prime Day Kids Outdoor Clothing Deals
Merrell Kids Hiking Shoes Up to 40% off
There are tons of Merrell kids hiking shoes on sale, for up to 40% off. They’re some of our favorite kids hiking shoes and kids adventure sandals.
Keen Kids Sandals $41.09
We’ve owned several pairs of Keen sandals and the quality is AMAZING! These will sell out FAST!
Columbia Kids Fleece Jacket $23.75 – Girls version and Boys Version
This is a really warm and well made fleece jacket. We’ve had several for over 8 years and they are great quality!
Marmot PreClip Kids Rain Jackets $42 – Girls Version and Boys Version
Great quality kids rain jackets at an awesome price. We’ve had one in constant rotation with our kids for 10 years and it’s still going strong!
Contigo 2 PACK Kids Water Bottles $13.99
Our favorite water bottles for little kids
Prime Day Camping Gear Deals
Coleman Portable Butane Stove $24.49
We have a stove just like this and it’s our FAVORITE!
” target=”_blank” aria-label=”Hydroflask 24 oz $31.46
(opens in a new tab)” rel=”noreferrer noopener” class=”ek-link”>Hydroflask 24 oz $31.46
All around perfect whether you want to keep your drinks hot or cold!
5 PACK Headlamps $15.99
We love having lots of headlamps on hand for summer play and camping trips. We’ve had these same ones for the last 3 years and they all still work great.
2 Pack Rechargable Headlamps $13.99
If you’re always short on batteries, these affordable rechargeable headlamps are exactly what you need
Coleman 6 Person Instant Tent $140
These instant tents are SO FAST to put up, and this is the lowest price we’ve ever seen
Coleman Personal LED Camping Lantern $7.50
Perfect for late nights at camp and awesome for family game nights outside! These will sell FAST!
Personal Water Filter 4 PACK $30.98
Perfect for hiking and backpacking. We took these backpacking last summer and they literally saved our lives when our water pump broke!
4 Pack Marshmallow Roasters $7.99
We keep a set like this stashed in our camping box so we always have them.
Best Bike Gear Deals
Camelbak Podium Water Bottles from $8.40
These are hands down the best water bottles around, and our go-to for our family. Our kids use them daily for biking and we just ordered more.
Camelbak Mini Mule Kids Hydration Pack $32.44
Our favorite kids hydration pack at a great price. We use them all the time in the summer and we’ve had one of these for the last 9 years and it’s still in great condition. Check out all our favorite hydration packs for kids.
Giro Fixture MIPS Bike Helmet $39.99
The exact helmet that my oldest three kids wear and LOVE (they all are competitive mountain bikers, ages 11, 13, and 16). This is the lowest price I’ve seen for a name brand MIPS helmet, so grab one FAST!
RockBros Mountain Biking Gloves $13.59
I just ordered these gloves for my teenage son since they’re such a great deal. Love the full finger coverage and the touchscreen finger tips. Check out our top recommendations for kids biking gloves.
Best Prime Day Outdoor Toy Deals
FunWater Stand Up Paddleboard $159.96
We’ve never seen prices this LOW for Stand Up Paddleboards and we love that this one is ultralight! Check out our top recommendations for kids SUPs
Aerobie Frisbee Disc $7.49
Hands down the best frisbee for kids. So easy to catch and throw!
Ninja Warrior Obstacle Course $119.79
Amazing backyard fun, especially for older kids
This deal is CRAZY! So much fun for the backyard! We got this zipline on Prime Day 2 years ago and everyone’s still obsessed with it
Intex Inflatable Kayak $87.97
Perfect for lake days and mellow paddling! Check out our top recommendations for the best kids kayaks.
Prime Day Ski Deals
Iksplor Merino Wool Base Layer Sets starting at $59
Not an Amazon deal, but one of our favorite small businesses. Thier merino wool base layers are AMAZING, and they’re having a great sale. Get these FAST!!
Outdoor Master Kelvin Ski Helmet $31.99
Our favorite budget ski helmet is on a super sale. My son has been wearing this helmet for the last 3 years and he never complains about it.
Outdoor Master Kids Ski Goggles $23.99
Our younger kids wear Outdoor Master ski goggles and we think they’re the best budget ski goggles for kids. Perfect for ages 9 and under.
Odoland Ski and Snowboard Harness $10.80
A harness is an essential piece of equipment for teaching kids how to ski! We haven’t used this brand, but it has a lot of the features we love in other kids ski harnesses.