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Of all the winter snow sports, snowshoeing is by far the most family friendly (though skiing is still my favorite). Snowshoeing is a fairly simple sport, has a small learning curve, is cheap, and doesn’t require a special resort or trail to go.
Here are a few family snowshoe tips to get you started snowshoeing with your family:
What To Wear Snowshoeing With Kids
When choosing what to wear snowshoeing, the most important thing to remember is to dress in layers. Snowshoeing with kids is definitely an aerobic activity, so plan to work up a sweat.
Since it is winter you will cool down very quickly when you stop, so make sure to have layers available when you are snowshoeing with kids.
Base Layers for Snowshoeing: Avoid cotton if you can since it does a poor job of wicking moisture away. Wool and synthetic fibers are a good choice for base layers that will keep you warm while still allowing moisture to wick away. If you’re not sure what to wear, make sure to read our article comparing the best kids base layers.
Mid Layers for Snowshoeing: Choosing a good mid layer to wear snowshoeing is incredibly important. We typically wear a fleece or a light puffy jacket, since they’re lightweight and also do a great job of insulating.
Waterproof Outerwear for Snowshoeing: If you’re planning a snowshoe trip with kids, or if the weather is going to be bad, make sure that you have a waterproof coat and waterproof snow pants or if it’s really cold, wear a snowsuit.
Eye protection is also important when snowshoeing in the winter since the sun reflecting off of the snow can easily damage your eyes. Choose sunglasses or ski goggles with UV protection.
What Shoes Should You Wear Snowshoeing?
Snowshoeing can be done in almost any type of shoes from sneakers to boots. We prefer to wear waterproof heavy-duty hiking boots or snow boots since they both offer increased warmth and support.
If kids want to wear snow boots snowshoeing, make sure that they lace up tight (not the moon boot or pull on style of boots), since a tight fitting boot will stay on better. We’ve compared the best kids snow boots in this article. Boots for snowshoeing are a great idea, especially if the snow is deep, or you plan to take your snowshoes off to play.
Layer by wearing wool socks underneath.
What To Bring Snowshoeing With Kids
Snowshoeing is unique among winter sports in that it requires relatively minimal gear. Typically just plan on wearing whatever you would to play in the snow (hat, gloves, coat, pants, boots), add snowshoes and you’re set.
Poles For Snowshoeing: Although not required, poles make snowshoeing easier and help with balance and when climbing hills.
Many people wonder “when is the best age to introduce poles to kids while snowshoeing?” We let our kids start using poles while snowshoeing around age 3-4. Since proper technique isn’t essential, we give out kids snowshoe poles when we know they can hold onto them for the whole hike.
Ski poles can be used for snowshoeing, though many people prefer adjustable trekking poles when snowshoeing.
Carry Water While Snowshoeing: Remember, that it is just as easy to get dehydrated during the winter as it is in the summer. I find that using hydrations packs for our kids helps them to stay more hydrated and keeps their water from freezing (we keep their pack and hose under a jacket).
Along with that, make sure to pack lots of energy filled snacks (check out our top healthy snacks for kids), and BRIBES (those come in handy with kids or your buddy who’s just really slow).
Bring A Sled Snowshoeing: If you have a baby or small child with you, consider pulling them in a sled or carrying them in a backpack. We typically take a sled snowshoeing whenever we take kids, since they love to ride downhill in a sled while snowshoeing. Thankfully, a sled is really lightweight and easy to pull, so even the kids can take turns doing it.
While you’re outside, be extra careful to keep young kids and babies warm. Remember that while you’re moving around and sweating, they are holding still and getting cold. Check their warmth every few minutes, paying extra attention to cold hands, feet, and faces.
Do I Need an Avalanche Beacon While Snowshoeing? When out in the backcountry or in avalanche territory, be sure to bring an avalanche beacon that you know how to use as well. If you’re unsure about the safety of where you are snowshoeing, check for local conditions.
Practice Snowshoeing Before You Hit The Trail
Practice. Although snowshoeing is just as easy as hiking, it does take a little while to get used to. We recommend practicing in your backyard before you hit the trail.
Snowy days are a great time for kids to practice their snowshoe skills so that when you do take them on the trail, they will be more comfortable and able to go farther. Also, keep in mind that although basically anyone who can walk can snowshoe, it is slower and takes more work than just walking down the sidewalk.
Often when you are snowshoeing, you will be breaking a trail or trudging through deep snow, both of which are very exhausting. Snowshoeing is basically really slow hiking (especially with kids).
Choose the right snowshoe. Choosing the correct snowshoe for your outing can easily make all the difference in your experience. Snowshoes are typically rated for their activity, so choose an appropriate model. I recommend one that has a tear-drop type of shape since they make walking much easier and more natural.
You will quickly notice that there are two main types of snowshoes – plastic snowshoes and metal snowshoes.
Childrens snowshoes that are completely plastic work well for younger kids, but not for older kids and adults. For adults and older kids, if you buy plastic snowshoes, make sure that they have metal crampons on the bottom that can flex with your foot.
Metal snowshoes tend to cost a bit more, but the quality is generally better. Typically, if you find kids snowshoes that are made of metal, they are smaller versions of adult snowshoes and often have more features than plastic kids snowshoes.
What Is The Best Shape of Snowshoes?
If you want to get longer snowshoes, make sure that they are teardrop shaped. This will allow you to take longer steps, and snowshoe with a gait that is similar to walking.
Oval snowshoes are the most popular shape of snowshoes, but if they are too wide, you can end up feeling like you need to walk like a duck, so make sure to buy the proper size of snowshoes.
Since all you need to have to pick up the sport of family snowshoeing, the only real cost is to buy family snowshoes for everyone.
How to Choose Snowshoes for Kids
When you are looking to buy snowshoes for kids, you need to consider a few things:
- Age of the child.
For really young kids, there are not a lot of toddler snowshoes or snowshoes for preschoolers. Most kids snowshoes are plastic, though as kids get older, choose snowshoes with metal crampons for increased traction. If your child is 5 or over, they need snowshoes for kids with metal crampons. - Distance you will be hiking.
If you will be hiking long distances, you will want snowshoes that are more teardrop shaped. - Price.
For the best prices on kids snowshoes, buy snowshoes that are a hybrid of both plastic and metal. These budget snowshoes for kids will be more affordable snowshoes and allow you to stretch your dollar farther.
Best Snowshoes for Toddlers and Best Snowshoes for Preschoolers
One common problem when getting snowshoes for young kids is that they often step on their snowshoes, since young kids naturally have a more narrow stance. While there is no perfect solution for this, just know that as your kids get older, this aspect of snowshoeing kids gets easier. Plastic snowshoes are the only options that we’ve found for kids under the age of 4.
Tubbs Snowflake Kids Snowshoes
We like these snowshoes for preschoolers and toddlers because they have a sturdy plastic design. While there are not metal kids snowshoe crampons, the plastic teeth on the bottom will be sufficient for most toddlers snowshoeing. Our family has used Tubbs snowshoes for years, and have been really impressed with the quality, so you know you’re buying good kids snowshoes with these.
RedFeather Snow Paw Snowshoes
These child snowshoes are great snowshoes for the backyard, but not too much beyond that. The claws at the front of the snowshoes for kids can be great at making monster footprints, but also present a safety hazard on the trail, since they can easily get snagged on roots or branches. These are great snowshoes for backyard play.
Best Snowshoes for Kids
Yukon Sno-Bash Kids Snowshoes
These snowshoes for kids are wonderful, metal kids snowshoes designed for ages 6 up to 100 pounds. The metal construction makes them extra durable, while the easily adjustable binding makes them easy to get on and off. The bindings on these kid snowshoes can be sized from a kids 11 up to an adult size 6.
Tubbs Snowball Snowshoe for Kids
We have been using these lightweight snowshoes for kids for the last several years and really love them. The molded plastic snowshoe design makes them really easy for kids, yet the metal crampon helps them to be used even on steeper terrain. The quick release binding makes these kids snowshoes especially easy to take on and off. These snowshoes for kids are excellent for kids ages 4-8 years old.
Best Snowshoes for Youth and Best Teen Snowshoes
Tubbs Glacier Youth Snowshoes
These snowshoes for older kids are really excellent snowshoes. They have a metal frame for extra durability, and have a weight rating of 80-150 lbs. These easy snowshoes are great for walking in since they have a narrower stance, to help teens on snowshoes have a more natural gait. These are also some of the most affordable high quality snowshoes.
Redfeather Conquest Teen Snowshoe
These snowshoes for teens are technically small adult snowshoes, but they should work great for older kids. These snowshoes have a molded plastic design so they are lightweight and easy to maneuver with. Perhaps the best thing about these teen snowshoes is the binding. With several areas to secure the bindings, as well as aggressive toe and heel crampons, these snowshoes are designed to stand up to the energy of teens on snowshoes.
I’d love to know more about winter camping with kids.
One of my friends has built a ice skating rink in their own backyard – I would love to read about more tips on how to do that.
Great review, thanks for the info we are actually looking for some snowshoes for the girls.
My kids do not know anything about typical winter weather! We experienced snow for the first time in April of this year. For me, I would love to know about gear for people who don’t experience extreme cold very often. Are there things out there to keep my kids warm in the occasional time we play in snow but will also work (without making us roast) in our mild winter climate where we live?
PS I love snowshoeing…I think my kids would have so much fun doing it too!
Snowman building – specifically how to do it without snow. 🙂
I want to know about overnight hut to hut trips with kids…oh and if there is a hut(s) in utah that would be good for this…
How to manage different ages of kids (including infants!) while winter camping!
I would love to take my little guy snowshoeing this winter! Like his Mom he loves snow!! Thanks for the contest!
Yay for snowshoeing! Ours have been getting dusty the last few years while living in AZ and can’t wait to take the girls out! Hopefully they like it as much as we do!
I have never camped in winter, are hut to hut trips too much (physically demanding) for a family with young children? What would be a good way to practice for such a trip in summer? Could you do the trail in summer as a dry run and do it in winter with snow shoes? The one time I went snow shoeing I loved it and would love to go again. 🙂
I love to snowshoe, and now that my son is 3 I think it’s a perfect time to introduce him to it. For myself, I’d like to explore some of the cabins you can snowshoe or ski in to in the Sierra. So fun!
I’d like to know more about doing a winter hut trip with kids.
We discovered snowshoeing 2 years ago and instantly loved it! My all-time favorite family photo has me with our infant on my back and our 3-yr-old trudging alongside me in an beautiful snowy field. We always take the sled along, too, because little ones do eventually get tired. I have been looking for good kid shoes for a long time!
I guess that answers your question about the cheap shoes
This article is perfect. We’ve been wanting to try snowshoeing with the kids!
I would love to take my kids snowshoeing this year! Thanks for the great tips! I hope I win!
woot! snowshoeing with kids is gravy!
I’m interested in knowing how to do snow camping with kids.
I would love to learn more about sno caving I think my boys would love it. And yes they do love snow shoeing. Last year I tried to take them and found there was no snow so it quickly became a chilly hike that they enjoyed almost as much
Actually, this post on snowshoeing is inspiring. I think both of my boys would love it!
I’d like to get our kids into x country skiing, but as our oldest is only 18 months and our youngest is still in my belly, we may have to wait a year or two! haha! Snowshoeing sounds like an excellent plan too though!
Snowshoeing seems like a great, inexpensive way to enjoy the outdoors during winter.
Our kids all have snowshoes and they love them. They enjoy it and it wears them out!
Snoeshowing! I have been wanting to get snowshoes for the family for years now (my hubbie seems VERY interested) but we thought we might need to rent some first. The biggest concern is whether or not the kids could handle it – there’s only so many of them we can pull on sleds.
I would love to snowshoe with kids!
Snowman building, we lived in Florida until this last summer and never got to play with snow before, till this winter!
I’m with the person who commented above me! The basics! 🙂
I would love to know more about cross country skiing with little ones.
I would love to learn more about cross country skiing… I had a bad accident as a teenager in downhill skiing and always thought I would try out cross country skiing but never got the chance… yet.
would love to know more about using these snowshoes with the boys. Call me crazy,but I’ve been in the dark and have never heard of snowshoes. Our boys would love these! Thanks for the giveaway!
aemgeg4 (@) yahoo (dot) com
Can’t wait for the snow to fall! Exploring the nearby woods and crossing the lake – all is possible when you can trek in snowshoes!
I would love to know more about cross country skiing with kids. Great post on snow-shoeing! Another winter activity you could explore is ice-fishing in Wisconsin . . . . just saying . . . Come visit us again: You’d have a place to stay & we could learn this popular sport together!!!
Thanks for the info, snowshoes are on my 3 year old’s Christmas list. I will now check out the Crescent Moon’s childrens selection! I would like to know what is the best sled to use to snowshoe with a 3 year old (for them to sit in), our flat one was not working today.
I’d like to look more into snowshoeing.
Thank you for the reviews, I was looking for ssome snowshoes for my boys and was feeling a little overwhelmed. Now, I know what to get 🙂
Great winter advice. The snowshoes look like a lot of fun. We haven’t tried that with our kiddo yet. I think this will be a good winter to start.
Cross country skiing.
Snow plus shoes equals GOOD TIMES
We are taking our kids skiing this year, we would love to have snow shoes to use. The kids love to play in the snow!
Winter camping 😉
Cross country skiing! This is the year to get outdoors more often!!
Snow sledding
I would love to do a snowshoeing hut trip someday.
snowshoeing actually. I have never done it before but it looks like fun
snowshoeing sounds interesting
Definitely ice skating. My 6 yr old daughter keeps wanting to do it, but the budget doesn’t allow it to happen.
My parents started teaching me how to ski when I was about 3 – so I’d like to do that for my daughter too. Snowshoeing is a new sport that my husband and I have tried a few times before becoming parents, so that would be fun to start taking our daughter with too!
We’ve never tried snowshoes before, so I’d be interested in that!
I’d love to get my kids out on longer snowshoeing trips, either staying at a yurt or doing some winter camping. One day 🙂
I would like to know more about sledding. Snowshoeing sounds super fun though also.
Tips on Ice skating! I went as a kid and loved it, but I am afraid to go with my kids because I think they will fall all the time and hate it! Should I wait until they are older?
I want to learn about snow camping
I am interested in ice fishing when we go to our cabin in the winter which is on a lake!
Winter camping
Skiing and the snowshoeing is a great idea.
My girls would like to learn more about ice skating.
I’m interested in winter camping but the hubby is leery! Any tips?
Would love to learn more about snowshoeing actually! We are just starting skating lessons this year but snowshoeing would be easier I think for our kids 🙂
snowshoeing…with kids. would love to try it and have never thought about bringing them along!
Cross country skiing!!
Cross Country Skiing! We love to snowshoe!
I loved hearing about snowshoeing, actually – that is what I wanted to try next.
Snowshoeing…..never done it. We have been ice skating, snowskiing, tubing in the snow, camping in cold weather but never snowshoeing. It would be an adventure, something new.
actually this snowshoeing post makes me want to try it!
Would love to know more about snowshoeing
I would like to know more about ice fishing with the kids.
Ice fishing!
I’d like tips on introducing your toddler to skiing.
Winter camping and snowshoeing!
Ice skating
my sons 5 and wants to snowboard, so i’m looking into that this season.
cross country skiing with kids!
I was just discussing my interest in ice fishing last night!
Snowshoeing and winter camping!
Ice fishing
Cross country skiing, my husband and I do but would like to get our son starting up this yr
Building a sturdy snow fort or igloo 🙂
sledding : )
Cross country skiing
ice fishing?
Cross-country skiing.
ANY! We just moved from Florida so this will be our first year of snow!
ice skating
skiiing and snow shoeing, that looks like fun.
Snowboarding! My husband says it’s awesome but we’ve never been! Makes me a little nervous!
I would like to know more about skiing with my family.
Want to do them all – love that Cresent Moon is made in the USA.
I would like to know more about skiing
Winter time is so beautiful but I like to be warm. I’d like to learn more about camping in a yurt. It’s a great way to be out in the pristine winter, but stay warm.
Cross country skiing. I used to do it as a child. My mommy sold my cross country skis when she sold the house.
I would like to learn about cross country snow skiing. Im not sure how old the child would need to be.
back country skiing
Snowball fight scenarios
Cross country skiing is a favorite with us.
I’d like to know how to build a snow fort so it doesn’t collapse.
Snow shoeing is the only thing I really want to learn more about. I have done the ice skating..even in our own backyard, snowman building, snow fort building and skiing but this would be a first.
I would love to snowshoe with the kids!
I went xc skiing once and LOVED it. It would be a lot of fun to turn it into a family hobby.
I’d like to know more about Ice Skating.
Actually Snowshoeing sounds like a great winter sport!
[email protected]
I would love to more about rock climbing with my boys.
I am hoping to take our three kids cross-country skiing this winter. I remember starting as a small child but I am not sure that they make equipment small enough for our youngest son. Perhaps we could take him in a pull-along?
Winter camping, cross country skiing, or ice skating.
I’d love to know more about “tubing!” It’s apparently a big thing for kids here in Maine, sounds fun.